Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
JustFit for home and studio EMS training

JustFit is launching JustFitMe, the personal at-home version of the JustfitPRO used in studios worldwide.

JustFitMe is a flexible training suit with EMS technology built in, designed for all kinds of indoor and outdoor training from walking to running, dancing to boxing, and to complement studio work.

JustfitPRO for studios is operated by a tablet, which communicates with the hardware through an encrypted WIFI channel that creates the electric impulse on the special Justfit outfit, which stimulates the muscles with low-frequency electric impulse. An electric impulse from outside completes the voluntary muscular contraction.

Individuals can soon opt for the personal pack, operated wirelessly by a smartphone app, which offers personalised, hormone-based nutrition tips and tracks your progress.

Studio JustFit users receive an unlimited pass with your personal QR-code, that can be scanned at any JustFit base worldwide to continue training.

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